Apple’s Stock Dropped by 0.4%
Friday, 15 September 2017 00:01
On Tuesday Apple presented the newest smartphone to the public - iРhone X. Even though, the presentation left investors underwhelmed, and, as a result, the stock quotes dropped by 0.4%. That is, from $163,54 they rolled back to $159,51. It is obviously not the crash of Apple Empire, but the results could be better.
Reasons of Stock Plummet
Some experts say that the reason for the drop is a facial recognition system failure. During the presentation on Tuesday, Apple’s vice president, Craig Federighi intended to demonstrate to the public the newest function of the gadget, but the phone steadfastly refused to work. Far from the first try, the phone responded to the request.
Another reason of stock quote’s fall can be caused by a very high price of the new product ($999) and delays in iPhone X delivery to the mass market. Gadgets will appear on the shelves only on October 3 this year.
We recall that two more smartphones - iРhone 8 and iРhone 8 plus, which were also presented on September 12, will be available to the public from September 22 priced at $699.
Current situation had a frankly bad influence on the Apple’s market position. Though, it cannot be said that it is a disaster. After each release of a new product the indications slightly fall, but, over time, everything falls into place.
This time stocks dropped more than in the past. A good deal more. However, the analytics claim that due to a Time Face function and also, new OLED screens, which will be massively introduced to the market, financial flows of the company from Cupertino will be soon settled down and start to yield a profit.
The Most Successful and Failed Models of iPhone in Company History
The first iPhone model was a truly revolutionary product, which pumped up the company’s stock price for the year by 119%. iPhone 4S became the second most profitable smartphone, which increased Apple’s stock quotes by 69%. On the third place, there is an iPhone 3GS, which gave 66% shares increase.
In contrast, iPhone 7 showed a 17% increase. The most loss-making were iPhone 3G, iPhone 6S and iPhone 5, which reduced the stock market quotes by -10%, -15% and -36%, respectively.